
A Coruña | 2012

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With the creation of a new company, it starts all the work of a corporate image.



It is not simply designing a logo that serves the company image, but define all the fundamental guidelines should follow to maintain consistency in all the documents that it manages. Thus, the corporate identity manual created on this occasion allows the multiple members of a company, maintain a unity of criteria in communication or public broadcasting.

The brand manual must be therefore a «live» tool and present in all applications of the corporate brand, and its coexistence with its products.
The guidelines contained herein are not meant to, in any way, restrict the creativity of the company, but as a guide that opens new creative possibilities to communicate its own essence.

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The image

The image of Tabiclick Systems has been defined by seeking to convey the essence of the company and the products.


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The main form of the mark is the word, of type simple, somewhat rounded in the word Tabiclick, and more rigid and technical in systems. Both types of letters have been customized to form a uniform and legible logo.
Rounded forms seeks to convey a sense of comfort, naturalness, similar to the feeling that you may experience in constructions with Tabiclick.
The most rigid forms, seeks to convey the products technic, the result of a process of research and developpement and the work of professionals.


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It is complete with the transformation of the first letter by a graphic element image of this letter.

This graphic is used as a symbol of the brand, being an element easily recognizable and clear for its apposition in products or packaging of the brand.



A number of basic rules are defined, which allow uniformity in communications, such as modulation, area protection, types or colors. With it, the corporate stationery could be designed.


Technical data

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Tabiclick s.l.


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A Coruña. Spain


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Emmanuel Vincent



Graphic design